How can Cake Emulsifers be a solution to meet rising egg prices?

The wholesale egg prices are still on record levels and hit hard on the bakery industry. With the Aromatic Cake Emulsifier from Bakels you can reduce the egg content in soft cakes and keep cost down.  

Egg is the ingredient in baking that historically have varied the most in cost, which have always made the recipe cost unpredictable. Over the last two years in particular, egg producers have been hard-pressed to align supplies with market demand. High egg prices will undoubtedly continue for the remainder of 2022 and most likely longer.

Reduce egg content and cut costs

Egg is a vital commodity in the baking sector, and bakers are forced to navigate the mounting production price and supply shortage challenges. One way is to consider the emulsifier. It is the emulsifier that largely decide the amount of egg needed in a cake recipe.

By using an Aromatic Cake Emulsifier and balancing the recipe with additional water, egg can be reduced and cut the ingredient cost.

If looking into an example recipe, a Swiss role contains 30% of egg which stands for 50% of the total ingredient cost. In this example a Cake Emulsifier can significantly reduce the recipe cost and become a tool to control both production reliability and cake quality.

Enhance quality and production stability

The consumer expectation for quality and eating experience continue to increase without regard to the changing price picture. A Cake Emulsifier has the advantage of adding and maintaining both the quality and freshness the consumer expects, and with less hassle and waste by enhancing product consistency and processing stability.

The Aromatic Cake Emulsifier is a tried and trusted concentrated alpha-gel emulsifiers used in industrial manufacturing and artisan baking of muffins, pound cake, Swiss roll, sponge cake, Madeleines, Panettone and many more. Learn how it works here.

Do you want to find out if your recipe can be cost optimized? Contact the Centre of Competence!