Prebiotics or dietary fibres emerge as a particularly interesting alternative when the consumer is looking for functional food with health benefits. Foods which help promote digestive health and the immune system are forecasted to be one of the most buzzling food categories in the coming years.

What we eat linked to our intestinal flora is a hot topic. The intestinal flora is one of the body’s largest organs and accounts for a large part of the body’s metabolism and forms an important part of the immune system. Research in recent years shows that the composition and function of the intestinal flora can be of a great importance for health and the occurrence of diseases.*

Multiseed Prebiotic is based on our popular bread mix Multiseed, appreciated worldwide for its composition and taste. Multiseed Prebiotic is based on our standard Multiseed recipe with inulin as an added ingredient. With this unique bread base, you get a bread full of fibre that can contribute to a normal bowel function.**

Multiseed Prebiotic contain chicory root which contributes to normal bowel function.**  The prebiotic fibre inulin from the chicory root can positively affect the intestinal flora. Research shows that the fibre inulin can increase the content of selected good lactobacillus bacteria in the gut if you eat it daily.***

Many health benefits are connected with prebiotic

Research is revealing that prebiotics can have beneficial effects on the immune system. Considering 80 percent of the immune system is in the digestive tract, maintaining a healthy gut is a major focal point in the pursuit to support overall health and immunity. 

The consumer understands the meaning of prebiotic

According to Innova Market Insights report Good for the Gut****, prebiotic ingredients are growing gradually as a percentage of food and beverage launches, with prebiotic ingredients rising from 2.2% at the start of 2018 to 2.6% in the first half of 2021. Immunity-boosting ingredients will play a significant role in the coming years and prebiotics is in a good position to continue growing.

The same report shows that most consumers understand the connection between choosing probiotics, prebiotics and postbiotics, and a healthier gut and easier digestion. Familiarity with the supplements is highest among Millennials between the ages of 26 and 35.****

The prebiotic market is on the edge of a breakthrough, with many opportunities in numerous food categories. Baked goods together with dairy and beverages are three areas that stand to benefit from introducing prebiotics into the recipe and riding this new wave.


Sources:* Livsmedelsverket Sverige/The Swedish Food Agency ** EFSA, European Food Safety Authority *** Prof. Stig Bengmark, fyra magiska fibrer/four magical fibers. ****Innova Market Insights (2021) ”Good for the gut: Probiotics, Prebiotics, Postbiotics” Effects of Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Synbiotics on Human Health – PubMed ( Health Benefits of Prebiotics ( Boosting Immunity Through the Gut: How Prebiotics and Probiotics Enhance Overall Well-being – Deerland Probiotics and Enzymes.

Recipe on tin bread

Recipe on artisan bread

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